Brudnopis vulgara
From Atariki
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Darksoft Systems Löningen to nazwa pierwszej firmy którą Ulf Dunkel założył 1-go Lipca 1991 roku. Polityka firmy skierowana była na wdrażanie oprogramaownia oraz tematy związane z DTP. Of course the first tool of his choice was Calamus 1.0, later Calamus SL.
W roku 1993 kupił on firmę Avanti z Oldenburga w północnych Niemczech i połaczył obie firmy w Darksoft//AVANTI.
1994 Ulf Dunkel founded the inversmedia Edition with Jürgen Funcke from Freiburg and Frank Müller from Saarbrücken, because the Calamus support of the original Calamus producer DMC was really insufficient. Starting in November 1994, they published a magazine for typography and layout, named invers z Calamusem jako tematem wokół którego.
We wrześniu 1997 roku MGI z Canada who had purchased the Calamus rights in the meantime, granted inversmedia the distribution rights for Calamus SL which then boomed again in its market.
1998 inversmedia was split because of the increased software distribution business. Ulf Dunkel continued this work as of May 1998 with his invers Software Vertrieb and distributed the big bunch of Calamus modules, too. With the enlarged product portal and with iCalamus, the completely new developed publisher for Mac OS X, invers Software continues a successful company's history today. Calamus jest rozwijany już niemal 20 lat.
spectrum 512
Spectrum 512 is a paint program for making high-quality still pictures. It's not designed for animation. But the latest slideshow program for Spectrum 512 lets you set up batch files for page-flipping animations (about 12 frames on a 1Mb ST and 80 on a Mega 4) as well as creating stereo pictures for the Stereotek glasses available from the Catalog.
(This program, SPSLIDE8.PRG is part of the file SPSLD8.ARC and can be found in download library 1 of the Atari Developers SIG on CompuServe. Only two programs can be kept in the Cyber Connection area of ANTIC ONLINE, so when new programs become available, the previous ones are moved to the SIG.-ANTIC ED)
"Essentially, Spectrum 512 is the best painting software for this computer," says Powell. "The anti-aliasing and dithering functions in Spectrum 512 can make an image look almost photographic. Anti-aliasing is a process that, in effect, 'averages' adjacent colors, softening the border between them. You really need many colors to do this. Professional computer graphics people will tell you that if they must make a choice between many colors and more detailed resolution, they'd prefer the colors. You can create illusions with color that you can't create with higher resolution."
Spectrum 512 generates a solid 512 colors which can be placed almost anywhere onscreen. Up to 48 colors can be placed on any scan line, and the program automatically does a "best fit" on any color over 48. This allows the software to closely simulate "truecolor" effects similar to what the AT&T Targa board can do on the IBM PC or the Mac II.
Spectrum 512 also uses dithering to simulate as many as 24,389 colors. Dithering is a technique where a pattern of pixels is used to create the illusion of another, unavailable color. "Let's say you have only the colors red and yellow in your paintbox and you create a checkerboard using those colors," Powell says. "You make a color that looks, from a distance, like orange. Spectrum 512 uses this idea with different percentages; for example, 25% red and 75% yellow produces a yellowish orange. If it's the reverse, it'd be a reddish orange. Spectrum 512 primarily uses this technique for photodigitizing-to convert Amiga 1FF files and CompuServe GIF files (created with a Macintosh II, for example) to the Spectrum 512 format. DigiSpec, a $39.95 program from Trio Engineering, creates 24,389-shade pictures on the Atari with Computereyes. (See ST New Products in this issue.)
"Even though the ST's low resolution is only 320 x 200 pixels, it's important for people to realize that not only does dithering increase the colors, but that effective antialiasing is really only possible with a lot of colors."
EmuTOS is a singleuser singletasking operating system for 32 bit Atari computer emulators, like Aranym, STonX or Hatari . It is thought as a replacement for the TOS-images you usually need today for using emulators and it is also running on some real hardware, like the Atari Mega STE. All is open and maybe it is also running on totally new machines in the future.
Since EmuTOS just implements the TOS's functionality, you might want to use MiNT on it in order to run more modern software. EmuTOS is not an alternative to MiNT. But EmuTOS is the only free base OS to boot MiNT.
EmuTOS is beeing developed for more than two years now and is licensed under the OpenSource Gnu General Public Licence (GPL). If you experience any bugs, please mail your problem to me or to the mailinglist.
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Karty RAM do ST/E
Marpet Xtra RAM Deluxe 4Mbytes
Marpet Xtra +8
The Magnum-ST
20 / 1040 STe. The Atari STe is the successor of the Atari STf (The 'e' stands for 'enhanced') ... Atari said then that the STe will have a 640 x 400
The Atari STE is an enhanced version of the ST with the following changes.
Następca serii ST i zapowiadany Amiga Killer, w rzeczywistości spełniał te deklaracje tylko częściowo. Chłodno przyjęty przez firmy trzecie i krytykowany jako "zbyt późno i zbyt mało". W efekcie powstało niewiele gier i oprogramowania wykorzystującego możliwości serii. Wersją profesjonalną STE jest Mega STE
Występował w wariantach: 520 STE, 1040 STE. Posiadały one wbudowany modulator telewizyjny oraz stację dysków. Różniły się ilością pamięci. (520 STE - 512 KB, 1040 STE - 1MB). Funkcjonalnie były odpowiednikami 520 STFM i 1040 STFM.
Rozszerzenia i usprawnienia:
- paleta kolorów rozszerzona do 4096 kolorów
- wbudowany BLiTTER (był już w serii Mega ST)
- Poziomy i pionowy sprzętowy scroll ekranu
- możliwość podzielenia ekranu na części
- Nowy TOS 1.6 (256KB EPROM)
- pamięć rozszerzalna modułami SIMM, maksymalnie do 4MB
- dźwięk 8-bit Stereo z DMA (dwa ośmiobitowe przetworniki cyfrowo/analogowe (maks. częst.: 50KHz), z możliwością sterowania poziomu głośności obu kanałów (oraz głównej), basów i sopranów,
- dodatkowe 2 wejścia na:
Wersje TOSu dedykowane serii STE: 1.06, 1.62.
Ten artykuł to tylko zalążek. Możesz pomóc rozwojowi Atariki poprzez rozszerzenie go o więcej informacji.
Niemieckia firma RHOTHRON specjalizujaca sie informatyką HiTech dla wielkich firm używających komputerów falcon. Samochody MERCEDES, OPEL i produkty firmy SIEMENS były opracowywane na komputerach Falcon. Dlaczego akurat Falcon? Dzieki DSP 56001 umożliwiającym mieszanie źródeł analogowych i numerycznych.
Wykonane projekty:
- automatyczny/kontroler czyli Falcon 030 z 11 toma szynami VME nazwany RHO-PROCESS
- Le RHO-TRANSIENT PLUS czujnik frekwencji
- RHO-DATENLOGGER II, czujnik numeryczny używający DSP
W roku 1991 Atari postanowiło zastąpić stare ST/E nową maszyną.
They realized then the "Sparrow Card", which was a development card plugged into the 68000 slot of an Atari 1040 STe.
The "Sparrow Card" had one of the main feature of the future FX-1 / Falcon 030 computers : it was a dual CPU board. It used a Motorola MC68030 and a Motorola DSP 56K.
The "Sparrow Card" used a 16 MHz 68030, a 16 MHz 68882 (arithmetic coprocessor) and a 32 MHz DSP 56K with 24 KB of static RAM.
Later, when Atari made the first fully functionnal computer from this prototype board, they planned to name it "FX-1", they eventually name it "Falcon".
The Atari FX-1, or "Sparrow", is also a prototype machine. Actually, it is almost a Falcon030. It has all its features except its true color mode (not fully implemented in the FX-1) and the PCM sound channels (12 bit instead of 16 in the Falcon).
These computers used the Atari Mega STe TOS (2.06) slightly modified to cope with the new graphic modes. This TOS version had the number 2.07 and was replaced in the last Sparrow models with the TOS 4.0 (The Falcon used TOS 4.01 in the earlier models, then the 4.04 and finally the 4.92 (never released)).
Atari produced less than 100 of these machines. They were built with sample spare parts and were used by developpers to write software for the future Atari Falcon.
Curl Vendel says : Originally, the Sparrow/FX-1 had a better graphics processor, but it was incompatible with most software. A newer processor was built that was more compatible (yet slightly crippled) with ST/e software.
Anfang 1992 wurde der Prototyp des Atari Falcon einigen Entwicklern präsentiert. Etwa 150 Vorserienmodelle wurden dann Mitte des selben Jahres an europäische Entwickler ausgeliefert. Einige dieser Rechner trugen das Label FX-1 wärend auf anderen der Name Sparrow prangte. Der Festplattentreiber des Prototyps meldete sich beim Booten mit "Sparrow" und benutzte den Blitterchip für den Datentransfer zur IDE Festplatte. Auf dem Board wurde ein TOS 4.00 in 2 Megabit großen DIL Eproms als Betriebssystem eingesetzt. In einer frühen Entwicklungsstufe war es sogar ein TOS 2.07, welches die VDI Routinen für die Bildschirmausgabe von Platte nachlud.
Tematy do opracowania
Odpalanie STka z dysku (steronwniki, partycjonowanie, problemy) - w FAQ'ach
Podlaczanie dysku do MEGA STE
Karty graficzne
Die "Crazy Dots 2" Grafikkarte der Firma TKR für die Rechner der Mega ST-, Mega STE- und TT 030 - Serie ermöglichte eine Bildauflösung bis zu 1280 x 800 Pixel in 256 Farben und bis zu 1664 x 1200 Pixel in 16 Farben aus einer Farbpalette von 16,7 Millionen Farben. Zusätzlich gab es noch ein 32K-Erweiterungsmodul, mit dem 32.768 Farben gleichzeitig auf dem Bildschirm angezeigt werden konnten. Als Grafikchip kam ein TSENG ET4000 auf der Grafikkarte zum Einsatz. Mit Hilfe eines komfortabler Videomode-Generator war es möglich, beliebige, auch virtuelle Auflösungen zu erstellen. Oben im Bild sieht man die Mega STE bzw. TT Version (VME Slot) der Grafikkarte. Außerdem NVDI ET4000, welches alternativ als Grafikkartentreiber und GDOS Ersatz verwendet werden konnte. Die Crazy Dots Grafikkarte kostete Anfang 1992 etwa 998,- DM. Die Version mit 32K-Erweiterungsmodul wurde für etwa 1198,- DM vertrieben.
can I enjoy enhanced graphics on my ST?
For stock STs, JRI makes a chip which allows a 4096 color palette. There is also a public domain enhancement that allows 32768 colors on older STs. This can be found as 32kcolor.lzh on some archives.
There are a number of graphics boards on the market. Here is a first pass at listing some of them. The information is based on postings by Ben Gilbert and Jari Lehto.
C32 board by Matrix Datensystem (Germany)
* 800x608, 256 colors * all ST/TT models * 256k, 512k and 1meg versions
C75Z board by Matrix Datensystem (Germany)
* 1024x768, 256 colors * Mega ST or STe, TT VME Buss
(Matrix GmbH has over 15, maybe over 20 with all versions, different graphics boards available, from hobbyist to professional, from CAD to GenLock and digitizing.)
ISAC board by Dover Research Company (U.S.)
* 1024x768, 16 colors from palette of 4096 * makes hi-res look like ST low res, just with a huge window * Mega ST buss * Dover Research Co. (612) 492-3913
The Imagine by Wittich Computer GmbH (Germany)
* 1024x768, 256 colors * Mega ST only
(Versions available for all ST/TT models. Several possible resolutions. Reasonable price, but slow and not very compatible..)
Crazy Dots by TKR (Germany)
* 1024x768, 256 colors * Mega ST only
(1280x800, 256 colors out of 16.7 million color palette. 1664x1200 for both 16 color and monochrome. True color option available. Mega ST, Mega STe and TT.)
reSOLUTION SuperVGA by GengTec (Germany)
* 8 resolutions, 320x200 through 1600x1200 * 16 colors without driver, 256 out of 256,000 with driver * 1 mb RAM * uses a standard VGA monitor * Mega ST or regular ST * available in U.S. from Rio Datel, 1-800-782-9110, (702) 454-700
(1024x768 is the highest resolution with 256 colors. Driver is called Multicolor VGA option. Compatible with NVDI and Blitter. Multisync monitor recommended.)
* like ISAC card, but specific for TT VME buss
* 832x624 monochrome * connects to MegaBus * works with Spectre
*1024x1024 with SM124 monitor *2048x2048 possible with expansion *usable with most big-screen displays
ODIN by Marvin AG (Switzerland)
* external expansion * gives TT-resolutions to a regular ST
* RISC-based card * extremely costly
Here's a few more cards, available from OverScan GbR, Saentisstrasse 166, 1000 Berlin 48, West Germany, ++49 30 721 94 66, ++49 30 721 56 92 (FAX), ++49 30 727 05 6 (Mailbox, language: German)
Autoswitch OverScan for the ST (NO STE compatibility) is DM 129.--, you
don't have to buy a new monitor. The maximum resolution on a SM 124 is variable, but in most cases at about 732*480.
AutoSwitch OverScan TT is a VME board. It's about 249.-- DM, you also can use