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Serwer ftp (choć nie tylko) prowadzony m.in. przez Azbesta, na którym zgromadzono dość pokaźny (objętość 845GB - stan na 11.12.2018) zbiór oprogramowania i danych, dotyczących głównie małego Atari. Gry, programy, muzyka, filmy i zdjęcia ze zlotów itp. Adres serwera: ftp://ftp.pigwa.net/

$ cat welcome.msg

     __ _                _                                  _
    / _| |              (_)                                | |
   | |_| |_ _ __   _ __  _  __ ___      ____ _   _ __   ___| |_
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   |_|  \__| .__(_) .__/|_|\__, | \_/\_/ \__,_(_)_| |_|\___|\__|
           | |    | |       __/ |
           |_|    |_|      |___/          respect.for.the.legend

--[ MISSION STATEMENT ]----------------------------------------------------

 Welcome to the Atari FTP Archive! We're glad to see you enjoy the best
 computer ever. We are striving to archive as much atari/8bit/demoscene 
 related material as possible and we're doing it since 2002 (previously
 known as ftp.atari.art.pl).
 The archive is around 845GB in 938689 files at the moment (11.12.2018).

 Some highlights:
 - ASMA, HVSC, YM, MOD, MP3 of atari musics.
 - OFFICIAL mirror of Fading Twilight and NO FRAGMENTS
 - Photos/Videos from major parties/cons.
 - Demos, Zines, TechNotes, Hardware Schematics.
 - Nir Dary CD-ROM collection.
 - Atari Forever CD-ROM collection.
 - Musicdisks (MadMax, Greg, Xtd)
 - Chiptunes, Falcon Demo Mania, ST MOD archive ... and many many more. 
--[ TECH INFO  ]-----------------------------------------------------------
 The server is available via:

  FTP: ftp://ftp.pigwa.net/
 HTTP: http://ftp.pigwa.net/

 Point of contact in ANY case:
 voy [at} pigwa <d0t) net
 azbest [at} pigwa <d0t) net
 miker [at} atari <d0t) pl

 !!! Don't panic when you do not hear back from us             !!!
 !!! We are keeping a firm eye on things and we are listening. !!!

--[ HELP US GROW! ]---------------------------------------------------------
  Want to help us? Mail us.

  Want to upload easily? Mail us to receive semi-personal ftp upload account.
--[ DISCLAIMER ]-------------------------------------------------------------

 Let us make it crystal clear. This site is THE ARCHIVE of the materials
 from around the Internet, from our friends and from the demoscene archives
 and activities. You won't find any warez, pr0n, and stuff like that here.
 So, don't bother us with questions about those. 

 The /upload directory is here for the people who are actually uploading 
 the stuff for the archive only in accordance with the mission statement.
 We respect their choice of materials and have no control over the content.
 Uploaders who abuse the /upload policy by uploading warez,pr0n,copyrighted 
 media and possibly other illegal material will be banned from the service 
 and reported to the respective authorities.
 Still, if you find any material that you think is illegal or otherwise 
 breaks our right to publish it, please contact us (vide TechInfo above)
 and the offending material will be taken down for inspection. 
 And for now ... stay atari! 
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